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Ik kreeg zojuist deze mail:

Hello! Dear Richard,

Are you on line now?

This is Wang Chung. I hope you are fit and well!

Do you often watch TV news or read newspapers recently?

If you have logged onto Google or Yahoo, or been watching the news, I am sure you have seen the health scare regarding the Swine Flu.

Yes, it is a potentially scary situation, but it can be controlled if people do exactly as they are told to do.

Here is some improtant tips about how to Protect Yourself and Your Family From The Swine Flu, have a look please!

Step 1. Listen to what the CDC has to say.

Try and relax and do not panic when you hear the news about the Swine Flu.

Swine Flu is a potentially dangerous situation. It does no good however to start to panic.
Instead, pay attention to the news the CDC is giving out, stay away from other sources.
Mis-information can cause panic, and that is one thing that is not needed now.

Step 2. Buy a few bottles and use them as often as possible.

Buy a few bottles of hand sanitizer and use it whenever needed.
If you cannot get out of the house, alcohol will do just fine, but do not overdue it.
Alcohol will dry out the skin quickly.

Step 3. Do not shake hands with anyone.

When out and about somewhere, do not allow anyone to shake your hand or touch your child.
Even if it seems rude, do not let it happen. Tell them that you have concerns regarding the Swine Flu and are only being cautious.

Step 4. Wipe down or spray anything your children need to come in contact with while out with them.

If you have younger children, be sure that you bring your own small can of Lysol or disinfectant wipes to wipe down shopping carts,
public restroom toilet seats, high chairs or anywhere else that you know needs it.

Step 5. Stay away from those who are already sick.

Stay away from anyone who is sick. If you happen to work with someone that is sick, bring your hand sanitizer and a small can of disinfectant with you.
If it makes you feel better, wearing a disposable face mask and latex gloves will also help.

Step 6. Do not share drinks or food with anyone.

Do not drink or eat from anybody’s cup or plate. Even if it is family, stay with your own drink or food until containment of this flu has been reached.

Step 7. Spray Lysol wherever you can as often as you want.

Keep your home clean and sanitized. Wash and rinse down trash cans with bleach and water.
Keep counter tops disinfected by using a bleach and water solution. Wash all bed sheets and pillows once or twice a week.
Wipe down all door handles ever other day with bleach, or spray them with Lysol.

Step 8. Boost your immune with Vitamin C.

Last but not least, boost up your immune system by taking some Vitamin C pills or eating something that has Vitamin C in it.
Best foods to eat are strawberries, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, limes, cauliflower and spinach.
And some other things You’ll Need to pay attention:
1. Wash hands thoroughly.
2. Wipe down counters, floors, trash cans with bleach solution.
3. Keep disinfectant spray around to use when needed.
4. If you feel as though you are getting the flu, please see your doctor immediately to be treated. Do not wait, just do it.

I sincerely hope that these tips will be great benefit to you and your family and friends!

Wish everyone will be healthy and well! God bless…

Sincerest regards,
Wang Chung

De “bottles” die ik in gedachten heb werken overigens ook desinfecterend…

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Ik ben de oprichter en voormalig eigenaar van Merchandise.nl. Momenteel ondersteun ik de nieuwe eigenaars 1-2 dagen per week om resultaten te boeken op internet en het meest uit hun diverse websites te halenl. Je kunt meer over mijn diensten lezen op mijn eigen website Theuws.com. Daarnaast geef ik workshops en heb ik met vier compagnons de hardste businessclub van Nederland, de Metal BusinessClub!

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